Partnering for Pollinators: The Path for a Greener Tomorrow

Partnering for Pollinators: The Path for a Greener Tomorrow

Partnering for Pollinators: The Path for a Greener Tomorrow

At Farmers Defense, we're not merely purveyors of premium farm and garden protection gear. We're environmental champions, community connectors, and staunch supporters of sustainable farming methods. Central to these pursuits is our enduring alliance with, a collaboration that fills us with immense pride.

Man digging holes to plant more pollinator friendly plants. stands as a unique institution, celebrated as the globe's largest nonprofit solely devoted to shielding and advocating for pollinators and their habitats. For a quarter of a century, their work has been instrumental in preserving these essential creatures that fuel every third bite of our food and uphold the balance of our ecosystems.

Seeds Pouring out of a bag

A cornerstone of's strategy is its emphasis on education and consciousness-raising. They comprehend that to guard our pollinators, we must first grasp their pivotal role and the hurdles they encounter—campaigns such as their annual Pollinator Week kindle conversations around pollinator wellbeing and crucial protective measures.

But doesn't limit its efforts to creating awareness. They fervently trust the might of collective action and urge everyone to partake in their mission. Their Bee Friendly Gardening program exemplifies this dedication. Whether you own a sprawling garden, a tiny yard, a balcony, or merely a window box, everyone can contribute to the safeguarding of pollinator health. furnishes ecoregional planting guides and Native Pollinator Garden Recipe Cards that provide straightforward, practical instructions for establishing pollinator-friendly habitats, no matter your location in the US or Canada.

A bumble bee in its natural environment.

Our cooperation with mirrors our mutual values and faith in collective action's power. This partnership manifests in initiatives like the Save the Bees Sleeves, which artfully blends farmer and gardener safeguarding with environmental conservation and has accrued substantial funds for pollinator habitat restoration. Since the previous June, Farmers Defense has donated over 112k square feet of habitat.

Save the Bees Sleeves sitting on the grass.

Indeed, our collaboration has generated remarkable outcomes. Through the Bee Friendly Farming (BFF) initiative, over 250,000 acres of farmland have been certified, with farmers overseeing more than 80,000 acres of pollinator forage and habitat. The Bee Friendly Gardening scheme has enlisted over 250 gardens.

We extend an invitation for you to accompany us on this journey. Each acquisition of our Save the Bees Sleeves not only offers you superior protection but also directly aids the crucial endeavors of Each purchase signifies an endorsement of sustainable farming practices and a vibrant, biodiverse environment.

Mom and son in the garden with sleeves on.

We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support of Farmers Defense. Together, with allies like, we're effecting real change for our farmers, our pollinators, and our planet. Let's persist on this course, molding a future where agriculture and nature flourish in unity.