With the threats of frost and snow creeping ever closer and having arrived already for some, it's time to start bringing in the plants you don’t want to lose this winter. For many of us, winter is like a garden purge—everything goes. But it doesn’t have to end this way. We can uproot the plants we love the most and bring them inside for the winter. While the weather outdoors is hostile during winter, indoor conditions are perfect for growing!

Some of the most popular plants that gardeners bring in for the winter are peppers and herbs. The most common herbs are rosemary, thyme, marjoram sage, lavender, and chives.
Bringing plants in for the winter isn’t as simple as pulling them out and inside. A few things must be done to ensure the plant has the best chance of survival once moving indoors.

Before you remove the plant from the outdoor soil, clean it up as much as possible. This means pruning dead, dying, and diseased branches and small straggly stems. Work gently as you remove the plant from the soil to protect the roots from damage. Lastly, give your plant a good rinse after transplanting it into the new container.