Vanessa Minton


Where are you from?


What is something you are proud of in your craft?

Empowering gardeners in southern garden zones to grow more food year round!

How has gardening influenced your life?

Gardening has given me an outlet for anxiety relief. It gives me a sense of purpose and joy to watch things grow ❤️

What's your go-to Farmers Defense outfit?

My favorite patterned sleeves! When I'm not harvesting spiny okra and cucumbers I'm digging through brush and need protection!

What growing zone are you in?

Zone 8b

What are your favourite resources for gardening information online?

Hollis and Nancy's Homestead YouTube, MIGardener,, Homestead and

What's your favourite type of content to create as an ambassador

I enjoy creating videos that share how to plant a specific type of veggie and following up with progress to show how it grows!